The whole world grappled with the deadly Covid-19 virus, which transformed our familiar world into an unfamiliar habitat. Our daily activities for a healthy life were greatly disrupted. To keep the health system strong, our normal lifestyle came to an absolute halt. This led to economic ramifications and the most affected were the marginalized people of the community.

Most of the parents of the students of Hashimukh School worked in the informal sector of the economy and belonged to low socioeconomic backgrounds. The nationwide lockdown particularly was harsh to such people who earned hand-to-mouth. Many migrated to their villages, and those who stayed back in Dhaka constantly struggled to manage the food on their plate. 

In such trying times, Hashimukh Somaj Kallayan Songstha came forward to lend its hand to these underprivileged people. It provided regular food aid to 3500 underprivileged families for 10 days. In 2020, 2500 families were provided food assistance and in addition to that, 450 families were provided cooked food on the occasion of Ramadan. Furthermore, around 300 families were given Tk 450 each through Bkash ahead of Eid-ul-Adha. Similarly, Hashimukh provided dry food assistance to more than 700 and 350 families in the years 2021 and 2022 respectively during Ramadan, ahead of Eid-ul Fitr. There were given dry food items that were sufficient for 15 days.


On May 20, 2020, Super Cyclone Amphan swept through the coastal areas of Bangladesh bringing nothing but a curse upon the lives of the already miserable people affected by the pandemic. Hashimukh lent its hand amid this great danger to marginalized people. A dry food distribution program was held in three phases in different unions of the Satkhira district. The food aid each family received was a package worth BDT 400 Taka, which included: rice grains 5Kg , lentils 500 gm, potato, cooking oil 500 gm, onion, salt 1 packet, soap 1 bar. Hashimukh successfully distributed food relief to a total of 1000 households that were greatly affected by the cyclone. Furthermore, with the help of local volunteers, we built deep tube-wells to ensure clean water for the Banavasi-affected people by which still the villagers are getting pure drinking water. 


Merely within a span of a month, more than 72 percent of the Sylhet Division went underwater with over four million people marooned by the devastating seasonal flood, struggling to survive. The majorly affected areas are Sylhet City and district and neighboring Sunamganj and Moulvibazar districts. According to the Bangladesh Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre the Teesta, the Dharla, the Dudhkumar, the Surma, and the Sarigowain rivers flowed above the danger level, further exacerbating the struggle of these individuals to access food, shelter, fresh water, and health care services. 

In response to this disastrous flood, Hashimukh extended its support to the flood victims living in inaccessible areas of Jamalganj, a sub-district in Sylhet. A team of 7 members was deployed, that went in with oral saline, candles, lighters, and water purifying tablets, while our local team there promptly managed to supply the affected communities with dry food items (chira, gur, muri, and biscuits) among about 200 families. Our brave volunteers dispatched emergency relief to the flood victims of three villages, Kamlabaj, Nowagaon, and Ugli Gram. As these villages are 45 km inland from Sunamganj and are entirely emerged, very little help has reached there compared to the demand. In fact, our team supplied relief to some isolated locations where others were yet to arrive with relief.

Water Purifying System Inauguration Program 

In 2020, Hashimukh Somaj Kallayan Songstha established a water purification system on school premises. Students of Hashimukh & local community, around 500 people, are getting pure drinking water. Students of Hashimukh were facing difficulties in the scarcity of pure drinking water. Augmedix came forward to help our children and sponsored the Water purifying system.


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