Malnutrition among children is a serious problem in the slums of Dhaka. Children living in slums are suffering from malnutrition because the total percentage of nutrients fulfillment per day is lower than Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), set by relevant national and international bodies including the ICDDR of Bangladesh, the National Nutrition Council (NNC) of Bangladesh, WHO and FAO for children. According to the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), the average daily calorie intake requirement is about 1200, 1500, and 1800 kilocalories per child aged 2-4 years, 5-8 years, and 9-13 years respectively. 

To meet the daily nutritional requirement, with the help of a professional nutritionist, we curated a balanced meal that contains the required nutrients for our students. They received healthy meals 6 days a week free of cost until the pandemic.  The students of Hashimukh have resumed attending school on two days per week, beginning in November 2021, following the end of the pandemic.

Since January of 2023, Hashimukh school has started operating its program full-fledged five days a week. At present, we aim to provide these students with a healthy meal five days a week including bun & bananas , bun & egg and bun & milk for one day and noodles are provided two days a week. 

This will ensure that our students receive minimum weekly nutrients that are imperative for their body and healthy growth as well as mental growth. In addition, offering healthy snacks to our students regularly is one of the best incentives to bring them to schools and retain them in the educational system.The continued provision of nutritious meals will have a lasting impact on the student’s educational journey, with increased attendance rates and a stronger commitment to education as a result. The assurance of regular access to these meals will serve as a consistent incentive for students to prioritize their education and support their physical and cognitive development and enhance academic performance. This commitment to providing nutritious meals establishes a solid foundation for a brighter future, fostering a conducive learning environment that promotes educational excellence and social progress. Therefore, it is important to provide these kids with daily nutritious snacks as this encourages them to attend school regularly. Although we appreciate the assistance from SEL, Monosid Foundation, and Wellfood Beverage, which is an inadequate  in comparison  according to  our existing requirements


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