Grameen Danone Provides Lifesaving Nutritional Aid: 1,700 packets to 1,100 Flood-Affected Families Through Hashimukh’s Relief Efforts

In response to the recent devastating floods, Hashimukh’s compassionate team is tirelessly delivering relief to the hardest-hit areas. The entire staff is fully committed to providing essential aid to those affected, working phase by phase to bring much-needed support during this challenging time.

Meantime Hashimukh Somaj Kallayan Songstha (HSKS) extends its deepest gratitude to Grameen Danone-Shokti for their steadfast support during this critical time. From the onset of the disaster, Grameen Danone has been providing vital assistance to organizations like Hashimukh working tirelessly on the ground.

Grameen Danone has generously supplied 1,700 packets of Shokti Plus Lemon and Marie Time biscuits in multiple phases, playing a crucial role in Hashimukh’s emergency response efforts. These nutrient-rich dry foods have provided essential sustenance to flood-affected families, ensuring they receive much-needed nourishment during these trying times.

So far, these supplies have reached 1,100 flood-affected families, offering a lifeline of support to 3000 lives. Hashimukh is profoundly grateful for Grameen Danone’s unwavering commitment to humanitarian aid and hopes they continue to stand by those in need as we work together to overcome this disaster. 

Heartfelt gratitude to everyone supporting Hashimukh’s efforts to bring hope and relief to those in need


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