Hashimukh Provides Vital Support in August Floods: Milk Distribution Brings Relief and Hope to Displaced Families

As catastrophic floods wreak havoc across Noakhali, uprooting lives and submerging entire communities, Hashimukh Somaj Kallayan Songstha has stepped in to offer crucial assistance. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the organization swiftly mobilized its resources to deliver essential supplies to the most vulnerable.


In a coordinated relief effort, Hashimukh volunteers reached out to families who sought shelter at two cyclone centers—Jomidar Hut B.N. High School and Noakhali Engineering Technical School and College. These shelters, located in the flood-devastated Rosulpur Union of Begumganj, became safe havens for hundreds of displaced people grappling with the chaos brought on by the disaster.


The Hashimukh team, deeply aware of the critical needs of those affected, focused on providing milk packets to ensure children and families received much-needed nutrition. The distribution of milk was not merely a gesture of aid but a symbol of hope and reassurance in a time of despair.


For the flood victims who had lost so much, these milk packets brought a sense of relief and comfort. The heartfelt gratitude expressed by the recipients underscored the importance of Hashimukh’s intervention. Many families shared that the timely delivery of these supplies eased their immediate struggles, allowing them to focus on rebuilding their lives.


Hashimukh’s unwavering commitment to humanitarian aid shone through this relief operation, highlighting the organization’s ongoing dedication to supporting communities in times of crisis. The smiles and words of thanks from those who received help served as a powerful testament to the impact of solidarity and compassion in the face of adversity.



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