Hashimukh Extends Relief Efforts to Zamidarhat B.N. High School and Noakhali Engineering Technical School and College cyclone shelters, by providing Milk and Clothing to those in need.

As Bangladesh grapples with the aftermath of devastating flash floods and ongoing cyclones, communities across the nation face severe challenges. Homes have been lost, livelihoods disrupted, and entire neighborhoods submerged.

In its relentless commitment to supporting those affected, Hashimukh Somaj Kallayan Songstha has broadened its relief efforts to include cyclone shelters in addition to flood-impacted areas. Recently, the Hashimukh team extended its support to residents taking refuge at the Zamidarhat B.N. High School and Noakhali Engineering Technical School and College cyclone shelters.

Understanding the critical needs of those seeking shelter, Hashimukh provided essential supplies, including milk and clothing, to the people in these shelters. These items are vital for maintaining health and comfort during such challenging times for the Infants and pregnant women. The team’s efforts aimed to offer not just physical relief but also a sense of care and solidarity to those who have been displaced and are enduring the hardships of shelter life.

The distribution of milk and clothing at these cyclone shelters was a heartfelt gesture designed to restore some normalcy and provide much-needed comfort. The Hashimukh team, consisting of dedicated office staff, teachers, and volunteers, worked with great compassion and attention to ensure that the relief packages met the urgent needs of the displaced families.

Hashimukh extends its deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported these relief efforts. To those who have contributed their time, resources, and compassion, we offer our heartfelt thanks. Your generosity has not only provided critical assistance but has also reinforced the bonds of community and underscored the power of unity in overcoming adversity.


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