Cyclone Remal Devastates Coastal Bangladesh: Hashimukh Provides Critical Relief to Dacope Upazila

On May 26th, Cyclone Remal traversed the Bay of Bengal, devastating the coastal regions of the nation. The cyclone claimed the lives of at least 26 individuals in Khulna, Satkhira, Barisal, Patuakhali, Bhola, and Chattogram, primarily due to collapsing walls and falling trees (The daily Star). The tidal surge triggered by the cyclone caused widespread flooding, submerging settlements as embankments failed. Many whose homes were destroyed sought refuge with neighbors or relatives.

In light of these concerns, Hashimukh learned about the terrible situation in the rural area of Dacop Upazila, located in the Khulna District.Dacop is an island which is detached from the lay land city life. And there was no aid until Hashimukh reached there. The residents were facing severe risks due to the aftermath of Cyclone Remal. The cyclone had caused extensive waterlogging in their homes, and fallen trees had damaged many houses, leaving the inhabitants without food and putting their survival at risk.

In response to the situation, Hashimukh distributed relief packages in Wards 2 and 5 of Sutarkhali Union, located in Dacope Upazila, Khulna District. Relief food was provided to 100 families, each receiving a package containing 6 kg of rice, 1.5 kg of lentils, 1 liter of edible oil, 1 kg of salt, 2 kg of potatoes, 3 packets of biscuits, and 4 packets of saline. Additionally, for those in relatively better conditions, biscuits were distributed to 350 individuals.

We are deeply appreciative of our esteemed partners who have come forward with donations for the willingness to assist marginalized communities in coastal regions. Not the least we extend our wholehearted gratitude to Grameen Danone for supporting this noble initiative. 


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