Hashimukh IT Lab Inauguration Collaboration with United Trust on June 01, 2023

“Technology is not just a tool. It can give learners a voice that they may not have had before.” – George Couros. In the spirit of this insightful quote by George Couros, Hashimukh, and United Trust have united their strengths to bolster the IT capacity of underprivileged students, nurturing their voices and paving the way for a future of endless possibilities. A significant milestone in this collaboration was the inauguration of the IT Lab at HSKS premises, situated in the heart of Central Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. This landmark event symbolized the shared dedication of Hashimukh Somaj Kallayan Songstha and United Trust to provide underprivileged students with access to cutting-edge IT resources and knowledge. Inspired by the visionary wisdom of BRIG GEN AJM Fazlur Rahman, the esteemed Executive Director of United Trust, we are reminded of the power that resides within each of us. His encouraging words resonate deeply, urging us to embrace our unique talents, ignite our passions, and forge our paths toward success. Gratitude flows from the depths of our hearts as we extend our appreciation for the extraordinary partnership with United Trust. Through this alliance, we embark on a shared mission to unlock a world of opportunities for our students. We implore them to seize every moment, remain ever-vigilant for new horizons, and let their capabilities soar amidst the dynamic and fiercely competitive job market. To the students who will soon venture through the doors of our IT Lab, we welcome them to a realm of boundless possibilities. May these newfound IT skills become catalysts that propel them toward greatness, guiding them to surpass all expectations and carve their unique path to success? Together, hand in hand, we march forward with hearts filled with hope and determination, united in our pursuit of a brighter tomorrow.


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When you bring together those who have, with those who have not – miracles happen. Become a time hero by volunteering with us. Meet new friends, gain new skills, get happiness and have fun!